
“You know someone’s special to you when… you don’t talk for a while because things get busy but when you two eventually do it’s like you didn’t miss a beat. You talk like there was no gap in between and you laugh until both your stomachs hurt. It’s a rare and special connection and personally I think it’s pure magic. If you ever find someone like this in your life, never let them go.”

thank you for being here, friend. Continue reading Friendships

I didn’t lose a friend, I just realized I never had one.

I cherish friendships so much it took everything out of me.. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But in any kind of friendship or relationship, you have the right to put your emotion first before others. You’re allowed to feel and express your emotions or pain. You have the right to your experience – even if it’s different from that of other people. You have the right to say no; saying no doesn’t make you selfish. Continue reading I didn’t lose a friend, I just realized I never had one.


At the every end of the month, I always find myself broke and happy and it’s not like i go out and spend a lot of money everyday or like I buy super-expensive cocktails and get bottle service unless I’m with the boyfriend (hahahha). My ASOS price range filter is always set from  low to high and I pack most of my lunches, i sometimes even juice my lunch. But it seems like budgeting has been an ongoing struggle for me. But hey, don’t be worried for me just yet, i have  a saving account to fall back on if my boyfriend ever gets … Continue reading Budgeting

Things I’ll Never Say

   There are many things you do not know about me, and there will be things that you’ll judge me for just because you do not know. You just gotta know, I’m different from you and the life I lead and will lead will be different from yours. You do not know my situation, I’m stressed from a job that I do not know if half the time what I’m doing is right, im stressed from school, from all the assignments I have to do and the constant need to always be on top of my game. There will be … Continue reading Things I’ll Never Say