Body dysmorphia

we all know we can always look better and it isn’t even about that.

there have been soo many moments in my life that i don’t participate for the fear of what i look like. for the fear of pictures would capture my fat cheeks or someone will see me and my gut is hanging out. I can look back at every old photos and tell you exactly what was going through my mind at that time and gosh it is exahausting!

i want to go out and have fun and enjoy the moment for what it is and not the stress of whats going through my mind and not stressing about how i look. Continue reading Body dysmorphia

My postpartum journey 1 year later…

Oh! The mom guilts. It was literally shoved into me the day I pushed Freya out. It was like here is your baby but here is all the guilt you will experience for being a woman that birth a child. Mom guilt never ends as annoying as it is. The mom guilt kicks into full gear anytime and any moment you don’t want it to. You work too much, or you don’t work enough, you spend soo much time with your baby or you don’t spend enough time with your baby. It all soo minute. You can have it all, do it all and it still wouldn’t be enough because mom guilt isn’t even about that. Its psychological and the only way out is self-love, discipline and ignoring the negative talk. Continue reading My postpartum journey 1 year later…


“You know someone’s special to you when… you don’t talk for a while because things get busy but when you two eventually do it’s like you didn’t miss a beat. You talk like there was no gap in between and you laugh until both your stomachs hurt. It’s a rare and special connection and personally I think it’s pure magic. If you ever find someone like this in your life, never let them go.”

thank you for being here, friend. Continue reading Friendships

Losing Baby Weight While Breastfeeding?

So here is how I did NOT lose weight while breastfeeding. I just wasnt one of those lucky moms. I was the mom that ate whatever I want, whenever I want while I was breastfeeding because I felt I was never full and always hungry. I was feeding Freya for 10-12x a day and the weight did not budge. I gained about 10kg during pregnancy and dropped 4 kg once I left the hospital with the baby. 1 month postpartum I dropped another 2 kg and by 6 months postpartum I was still 3 kg above pre-pregnancy weight. These are just numbers, and I don’t take them seriously, but I wanted to write it down for context. Continue reading Losing Baby Weight While Breastfeeding?

Why do We Lose Muscle Mass during Pregnancy even When We are Working Out ?

When building muscles we need certain variables in training such as time under tension, progressive overload, and volume which means more sets and sometimes reps.

Time under tension means – the amount of time a muscle is held under tension or strain during an exericse set. For example; having to hold a weight or your body weight while in a squat position or press position at every rep which sometimes requires mama to hold your breath a little longer than usual.

Progressive overload means: Increasing the resistance of the weight overtime safely but in a challenging way. And sometimes pregnant mamas cannot do that without causing more pressure on the bump or the baby.

Lastly, to gain muscles, we don’t just need more weights, but we also need volume. More days in training, more sets of deadlifts and bent over rows etc. Having 2-3 more training days to target a certain body part which so Continue reading Why do We Lose Muscle Mass during Pregnancy even When We are Working Out ?

Over 100 grams protein meal prep!

if u have been following me for a while. U know I prep my meals A LOT. I love meal prepping! But ever since I’ve gotten pregnant, my meal preps have gotten boring, and truth is some weeks I don’t prep because with pregnancy and breastfeeding… some days I just don’t feel….. inspired anymore. Now that I’m back on my nutrition health kick. I’m going to try to make 1 meal with u every week.  You should though pop your chicken in the air fryer for 20 mins and have eggs made or if you prefer make it along with the rice. It is all up to you.  So, this week is going to be my 113 grams Protein Kimchi FriedRice. U don’t … Continue reading Over 100 grams protein meal prep!