
If you know me you know I love haIr. I had hair etensions before to have thicker and longer hair and I love playing with hair, curling hair and styling it for events.

During pregnancy I had the most amazing hair. My hair was full, luscious and thick and looking soo yummy. But I was mentally prepared for my amazing hair journey to come to an end when freya was born because my hormones would dip to menopausal state after the baby and placenta has left the body.

The first 3 months my hair loss was minimal. But by the 3rd to 6th month mark it was at its peak!! I hated washing my hair because whenever I wash my hair and brush my hair.

The hair fall was at its maximum and there was soo much  fall out! I was mentally soo depressed and no matter how many moms and people around me have prepared me for it. It still wasn’t easy.

But after the 6 mnths mark, the hair fall started to slow down and by the 7th month mark my hair fall returned to normal and by the 10th month mark we started to see the regrowth. I am not here to scare you about pregnancy and hormones.

I am just here to share with you what I did to promote hair growth postpartum.

First of all, I was religious with my hair supplements. I took biotin, collagen and fish oil. Soak my roots with castor oil before every hair wash day. Change my shampoo to clarifying shampoo or hair fall specific.

And lastly, Eucerin Thinning Hair Treatment.  I will dulse my roots with it whenever my scalp felt itchy. I don’t know if it works or its meant to do thay but it helpe to calm my itchy scalp tremendously.

During my regrowth state, my scalp was constantly itchy!

I guess there is one thing I wish people told me about postpartum. Not just the hair fall and the regrowth but also the itchiness of it all!!

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